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This Is What You Should Do When Your Baby's Head Is Hot

Every mother certainly does not want her baby to get sick and heat to her baby's head. But if the baby's head has heat, this indicates that an infection is happening in his body. Increasing temperatures can’t be tolerated by the system baby's body defense. So that an increasingly hot head can cause neuronal imbalances in the brain. Fever seizures can occur due to a hot baby's head.

How to deal with a heat on the baby's head?

A hot baby's head must be treated quickly and precisely before severe damage occurs especially in the brain area. Here are some summaries of how to handle a hot baby's head:

1. Measure the Temperature of the Body with a Thermometer

The first step you can do is to measure the baby's body temperature using a thermometer. The thermometer that you can use can be a digital thermometer, mercury or the latest type of infrared thermometer sensor.

You can put a mercury or digital thermometer on some areas of the baby's body including folds of the inner arm (armpit) and under the tongue. If you use a mercury thermometer, make sure mercury is at 0 before use. Also, pay attention to the cleanliness and sterility of the thermometer device that you are using. It would be better if the thermometer is used in one area of ​​the body.

The normal temperature of the baby's body is in the range of 36.5 to 37.5 degrees Celsius. Above this temperature, it can be said that the baby has a fever and will show symptoms of a hot head.

If the baby's body temperature continues to rise to over 38 degrees Celsius, immediately bring the baby to the nearest service to get proper emergency care. Fever seizures can occur when the baby's body temperature reaches 40 degrees Celsius. It's important to know how to treat fever in your baby as your first aid when the baby has a fever.

2. Follow and Suffice the Liquid Needs

A hot baby's head shows the process of infection in his body is ongoing. Increasing body temperature by one degree will result in fluid loss of 10%. For adults, a 10% loss of fluid may not be harmful, but for babies, this is a serious problem and must be addressed immediately.

Babies who experience high fever and hot heads can lead to dehydration or lack of fluids. Immediately suckle as much as the baby wants, if he is past the age of 6 months, you can increase the need for fluids by giving water or healthy fruit juice.

If after giving the baby milk, it vomits. It would be better to immediately take the baby to the nearest health service center. Infusion fluid will be given to babies who are dehydrated and have difficulty swallowing.

3. Compress the Baby's Head

Giving a warm compress to the baby's head can help lower his body temperature and temperature of the baby's head quickly. Do not compress cold water or compress with alcohol, because it can have an impact on his health condition.

Cold water compresses can trigger chills and spasms in infants. This can occur because compresses with cold water can cause a higher temperature increase. As for compressing alcohol, it is not recommended, because it can cause poisoning or irritation to the baby's breathing and skin.

Place a cloth that has been moistened with warm water in the area of ​​the head, neck, and underarms. Based on the latest research, compressing the head alone is not optimal for reducing child fever. In the area of ​​the neck and folds in the arm or armpit there are large blood vessels and compressing in this area will accelerate the process of dilating blood vessels so that the child's body temperature will quickly drop.

You can also use a child fever compress tape that is easily found at the nearest pharmacy or drug store. To compress with a towel, place a wet towel for about 15 minutes in the area above. If using a fever compress tape always follow the instructions and note the expiration date.

4. Wear Thin and Non-Covering Clothes

When the baby has a hot head condition until his body shivers, do not wear clothes that are too thick. Especially the use of hats. This is not recommended, because body heat can’t come out optimally with the use of thick clothing. Due to the use of a baby's head cap can become hotter and trigger febrile seizures.

Wearing thin clothes and blankets are recommended to accelerate heat loss in infants. Especially cotton clothing can be worn on babies who experience heat head due to fever.
The use of fans and air conditioners can also be carried out, but it is recommended that the fan or air conditioner not straight toward the baby. Winds that blow directly into the baby's body can be a cause of bloating and fussing babies.

5. Give fever-lowering drugs

Heat-reducing drugs can be given according to the dosage and needs of the baby. Always pay attention to the dosage and recommended the use of drugs for baby children. If not forced, use natural ingredients for reducing child heat first rather than using chemical drugs that can contain side effects.
But you need to be careful and keep in mind that natural ingredients that you can use as a baby fever can be used after the age of 6 months. That is, after digestion, it functions properly and optimally.

If the heating head turns into a seizure fever

Fever seizures can occur at any time, especially when the child's head is hot and the fever reaches more than 38 degrees. Knowledge about handling a baby when a fever is important is important to know, before the occurrence of a febrile seizure.

Fever seizures are also known as layman 'step'. What happened was the stiffness of the leg and hand muscles accompanied by sluggishness throughout the body. Children will also experience unconsciousness when a febrile seizure occurs.

Simple febrile seizures last less than 15 minutes and do not recur within 24 hours after the first seizure. For complex febrile seizures, seizures can last more than 15 minutes, recurring in a day can occur more than once seizures and occur only in one area or side of the body.

The first thing you should do when the baby has a seizure is not panic and keep calm. Take care of your baby and do not try to hug tightly or stop spasms by bending the child's limbs, this can actually cause fractures in your baby.

The next step is to loosen children's clothes, especially in the neck area. Tilt his head to the left or right, so that the remaining milk or food is not trapped and closes the respiratory tract. Measure the child's body temperature when experiencing a seizure, and after the seizure stops.

Take your baby immediately to the nearest health and emergency service center from your home just after the febrile seizure stops. Heat and anticonvulsant medications will be given by infusion if the febrile seizure does not stop and the child's condition becomes weaker.

Such is the brief information about the occurrence of hot head symptoms, as well as various causes and exact treatment. Also equipped with information about the handling of febrile seizures when the head of fever and child fever increases after carrying out various independent management at home.

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