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Effective Skin Itching Medication from Natural Ingredients

Everyone must have experienced itching on the skin, and the information about the itchy skin on the following skin may be the solution. Suffering from itching is certainly very annoying especially if the itching arises when you are working or in important moments. Surely you will feel embarrassed if you have to scratch and scratch the skin that feels itchy. In addition to being embarrassed, suffering from itching is also very painful because it causes you to be less concentrated, disturbed rest, and insomnia.

itchy skin treatment

People who suffer from itching usually always want to scratch the itchy part, even though this can actually cause irritation so that the itching will get worse. Itching can be caused by many factors, such as allergies, insect bites, bacteria, viruses, fungi, due to exposure to certain chemicals, or due to psychological factors (depression/stress). Itching can also be caused by a chronic disease that causes certain substances to accumulate in the body, causing itchings, such as cirrhosis, kidney failure, diabetes, hepatitis, leukemia, and lymphoma. 

Hormonal changes can also trigger itchings, such as hormonal changes in pregnant women, menopause, and thyroid hormone disorders. Iron deficiency anemia can also cause the sufferer to experience itching.

Various Types of Itching Medication in Natural Skin

Itching in the skin can be manifested in a variety of symptoms, such as a red rash on the skin, small spots, scaly skin, pus or boils, and so on. The place of growth also varies, it can be in certain areas or can spread to most parts of the body. To treat the itching, you can use medicines that are natural and safe for health. Here is an itchy remedy on the skin that you can try:

1.     Herbs of turmeric, Curcuma, and bitter

You can use a mixture of turmeric, Curcuma, and bitter leaves to cure itching. This herb is very effective as an allergic drug. The trick is to prepare 20 grams of turmeric, 30 grams of ginger, and 10 grams of bitter leaves. Peel the turmeric and ginger, then wash all three ingredients until clean and then boil with 2 cups of water until the remaining half. Strain the ingredients, then drink the water regularly 2 times a day.

2.     Leaves of God's Crown

You can also use the god’s crown leaf as a powerful itch on the skin. How to use it is to prepare the god's crown leaves to taste, wash using clean water, then puree by pounding. Then apply the crown of the god’s crown leaf that has been mashed on the skin that is itchy / irritated it will get well soon.

3.     Biduri leaves (Calotropis gigantea)

How to make a mixture of biduri leaves to cure itching on the skin, which is to prepare enough biduri leaves and wash thoroughly and mash. Then mix enough coconut oil and apply to irritated skin.

4.     Bay leaves (Syzygium polyanthum)

Bay leaf can be used as an itch on the skin because it has natural antibiotic substances. How to use it is to look for bay leaves to taste, wash thoroughly, then crush or crush and paste on the itchy skin.

5.     Betel leaf and mangosteen peel

To treat itching on the skin, you can also use the ingredients of betel leaf and mangosteen peel. The way to make it is to provide 20 betel leaves, 100 grams of mangosteen rind. Wash thoroughly the two ingredients then boil with enough water. After that, use the water while warm to wash the itchy skin.

6.     Peppermint leaves

Peppermint leaves are an itchy remedy for the skin because they can reduce irritation/inflammation and swelling. In addition, peppermint leaves can also provide a cold sensation and a sense of comfort to the skin. How to use it is very easy, that is, you can just rub the peppermint leaves on the area of ​​the skin that has itching, wait a few moments to soak, then rinse with clean water.

7.   Leaves of basil

Another natural remedy for itching on the skin is basil leaves. Basil leaves contain a substance called thymol which is very effective for relieving itching. How to use it: take basil leaves, wash thoroughly, then wipe and flatten itchy skin.

8.   Apple cider vinegar

You can also use apple cider vinegar to cure skin itching, especially as an allergic drug because it contains antibacterial, antifungal and antiseptic agents. How to use it is to drop apple cider vinegar into cotton and then apply it to the skin that is itchy.

9.   Aloe vera

Aloe vera is also an itch on the skin which effectively heals irritated skin. The trick is to find the aloe vera leaves to taste, then cut or break to take the mucus/gel. Then apply the aloe/mucus gel to the irritated skin.

10. Clay

Clay can also treat itching on the skin, especially those caused by insect bites. Clay has a substance that can attract toxins from the skin so it can cure itching and reduce pain. How to use it is to find clay to taste, put it in a container/bowl, then mix water into it. Stir the clay together with the water to form a paste, the thickness level is roughly like in peanut butter. After that, apply the clay mixture to the itchy skin, leave it for a while to dry, then finally rinse with clean water.

Tips for Accelerating Itching Skin Healing

In addition to using itchy remedies on the skin as mentioned above, there are a number of tips you can do to speed up the healing of the itching/irritation that you are suffering from. These tips include compressing the itchy skin using a flannel cloth soaked in cold water, always maintaining the cleanliness of the nails, not wearing clothes with clothes that can add to the itchiness (such as wool fabrics and tight fabrics), and avoid scratching the skin area. itching because it can cause irritation to worsen.

Take care of the cleanliness of the skin by bathing regularly using soap and clean water, applying lotion after bathing to keep the skin moist, always washing hands after activities, and using bed sheets from soft material (not hot).

Be careful about foods that might cause allergic reactions to your skin, such as shrimp allergies, eggs, shellfish, certain types of milk, and so on. In addition to food, you also need to be aware of substances or objects that can also trigger allergies, causing itching on the skin, including certain types of drugs (eg antibiotics and aspirin), cosmetics, soaps, prickly heat, dust, cloth wool, rubber, or certain types of plants or animals.

You should also manage your psychic/mind well because the onset of itching can also be triggered by stress. If itching on your skin is difficult to heal, then you should consult a doctor in order to get a proper medical examination and treatment.

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